Psychological Profile for Personal Success

We believe effective living comes with better self-understanding. To assist you in enhancing your self-understanding, we will offer different kinds of psychological assessments related to the following areas:

Take one or more of these psychological assessments to find out your strengths and weaknesses, and to learn how your can make significant personal improvements.


Knowing My Character Strengths

The Values in Action ( VIA) Inventory of Signature Strengths is a self-report questionnaire which assesses the degree to which you endorse each of the 24 character strengths in the VIA classification. These 24 character strengths are positive psychological traits which are recognized by scholars as expressions of the six human virtues, namely wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance and transcendence. You can do the test at your own time, pace and place. At the end of the assessment, a report is immediately generated which indicates your top five strengths (signature strength) with a description for each.

Option 1: Take the assessment

To take VIA Signature Strengths Questionnaire, follow these steps:

¡§Now I know my VIA signature strengths, what can I do next?¡¨

Option 2: Take the assessment and join the VIA Group Feedback Session

After completing the VIA to discover your own strength, you may join this feedback session to know more about them. At this session, the facilitator will explain the meaning of your signature strengths and you will be invited to participate in some hands-on activities that can help you capitalize them.

VIA Group Feedback Session (VIAF1/08-09)

Date : 17 Oct 2008 (Fri)
Time : 5 - 7 pm
Venue : Rm. 411, Meng Wah Complex
Facilitator : Ms Lisa Ho, Counsellor (Clinical Psychologist), CEDARS
Language : Cantonese or English (depending on participants)
Class size : Maximum 25 Minimum 15
Fee : $20

¡§I am unable to join the Feedback Session scheduled for 17 Oct. Are there any other options?

Option 3: Take the assessment and meet a Counsellor on an individual basis

You are welcome to make an appointment with one of our counsellors to have a more personalized discussion and interpretation of your assessment result. The counsellor will give advice on what you can do to enhance your character strengths so that you can optimize your chance of achieving success.

To make an appointment, please call us at 2857-8388 during office hours.


  1. A nominal fee of $20 will be charged.
  2. No deposit is required.


Self-discovery - Identify Your Personality

What is my personality?

How can I describe myself?

Does ¡§introvert¡¨ or ¡§extrovert¡¨ conclude my whole person?

How can I enhance my self-understanding? This psychological assessment aims at helping you identify your character traits and behavioral tendencies through a scientifically validated and reliable personality test called Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-RTM). You can understand your emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal and motivational styles from this comprehensive and detailed personality test.

In the assessment session, you will be asked to complete the test in paper-and-pencil format under the guidance of our facilitator. In the group feedback session, you will receive a written report which shows your own personality profile. A clinical psychologist will assist you in comprehending the profile, and exploring ways to maximize your strengths and to compensate your relative weaknesses.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the workshop, you will have:

Attend one of the following assessment sessions and the feedback session

Assessment Sessions


Date : 3 Oct 2008 (Fri)
Time : 10:30 am ¡V 12 noon
Venue : Rm. 411, Meng Wah Complex
Class size : Maximum 15 Minimum 8


Date : 6 Oct 2008 (Mon)
Time : 5:30 ¡V 7 pm
Venue : Rm. 411, Meng Wah Complex
Class size : Maximum 15 Minimum 8

The test items are written in English. A list of vocabularies in Chinese will be provided to participants.

Feedback Session (Code: NeoF1/08-09)

Date : 14 Oct 2008 (Tue)
Time : 5 - 7 pm
Venue : Rm. 411, Meng Wah Complex
Language : Cantonese or English (depending on participants)
Class size : Maximum 30 Minimum 15
Fee : $150 (including test materials and administration fee)


How Do You Study?

Assessing your Learning and Study Strategies

This workshop is specially designed for students who want to know better about their study and learning strategies. Students will be invited to complete an online Learning and Study Strategies Inventory individually. The Inventory is a quick 80-item survey that assesses your study habits. It will provide you with a profile of your strengths and weaknesses in 10 different areas when in comparison with other university students.The debriefing session will give you suggestions on how to improve your study skills and strategies.

Assessment Period

Date : 21 to 23 Oct 2008

*Students are required to complete the online Learning and Study Strategies Inventory anytime during the above-mentioned period. Login and password code will be sent to students individually once registration and payment are confirmed.

Post-assessment Debriefing Workshop (Code: LASSIF1/08-09)

Date : 3 Nov 2008 (Mon)
Time : 5 - 7:30 pm
Venue : Rm. 411, Meng Wah Complex
Facilitator : Ms Robby Lai,
  Senior Counsellor (Clinical Psychologist), CEDARS
Language : Cantonese or English (depending on participants)
Fee : $50 (including assessment charge and administration fee)



A Work-in Progress

Are you interested in taking a personality test?

Do you want to know more about your work-related personality traits?

Do you want to obtain a scientific prediction on your future work performance?

If you answer ¡§yes¡¨ to all the above, then the Chinese Personality at Work Questionnaire (CPW ), may be the right one for you. The CPW is an on-line questionnaire which can be taken at your preferred time. Upon completion of the CPW, you will get a detailed analysis of your work-related personality traits. The course fee includes an individual feedback session with a counsellor (clinical psychologist) to help you fully understand your own profile.

Registration procedures:


  1. Postgraduate students or students with some work experience will benefit most from CPW.
  2. No deposit is required.
