Want someone to talk with 想搵人傾吓
Want someone to talk with 想搵人傾吓

24 / 7 TEXT

24 / 7 CALL


If you or your friend (current HKU student) need someone to talk with, here are the options available:
1. Services provided by CEDARS Counselling and Psychological Services, HKU
You can call 3917 8388 (in Hong Kong),
email (cedars-cope@hku.hk) or come to our office at 3rd floor, Main Building during opening hours.
You can meet with our Duty Counsellor during drop-in hours.
Mondays – Fridays 10am-1pm & 2pm- 5pm (Except public and university holidays)
Direct intake appointment making: https://www.cedars.hku.hk/cope/cps/online-registration
2. Services in the community
- Initiated by a group of university students.
- Service hour: 7pm to 5am every night
- Online service by Youth Mental Health Team, HKU Department of Psychiatry
3. Resources for HKU STAFF
If you are a staff member seeking to assist a student,
you can log in and access the "Joint-care Guide on Student Psychological Wellbeing" for download.