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Other Support

Other Support

  • Flexible Arrangement for Individual Counselling
Counsellors at CEDARS-CoPE continue to provide support to you during the pandemic.  To reduce the risk of infection, phone, online and face-to-face sessions are offered flexibly according to the development and your needs.

If you would like to seek counselling and psychological services, please contact us.

(Tel) 3917 8388

  • SEN Support
Registration for SEN Support can be arranged online.  Please contact us for an individualized registration link. 

(Tel) 3917 8388

During the needs assessment, the SEN Case Manager will discuss with you if special arrangements are necessary for your online classes and examinations.  Assistive device or software may be recommended to you if applicable.

  • Financial Support
There is means-tested funding support to help relieve part of students’ financial hardship due to COVID-19.

The University also offers a range of financial support for eligible students. For details, please refer to https://www.cedars.hku.hk/campuslife/finances/ufa

For enquiries on financial support and financial advice, please contact us at cedars@hku.hk or call 3917 2305 for appointment to meet a student advising officer.