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A Dialogue with Hong Kong Film Industry: The Basics of Movie Subtitling
A Dialogue with Hong Kong Film Industry: The Basics of Movie Subtitling
與香港電影對話: 字幕翻譯101

通識(CEDARS-GE)邀請了嘉賓導師馬樂民先生(Mr. Kevin Ma)主持這兩節講座及工作坊。馬樂民先生現為撰稿人及翻譯,自2011年起為多部電影翻譯英文字幕,作品包括:《九龍城寨之圍城》、《正義迴廊》、《飯氣攻心》系列、《竊聽風雲3》、《白日之下》、《從今以後》、《填詞L》、《金都》、《命案》、《梅艷芳》、《海關戰線》,及即將上映的《望月》、《破·地獄》等等。他將與港大學生分享他在字幕製作以及香港電影產業的見解、經驗和知識。

Good subtitling not only maximises audience comprehension and engagement, but also ensures accessibility for different foreign-language viewers from diverse cultural backgrounds as well as those who are unable to watch a video with sound. However, what makes “good” subtitles?

In this series of subtitle-related programmes, we have invited Mr. Kevin Ma, a practitioner from the Hong Kong film industry,  to be our guest speaker. He has worked on the subtitles for various recent Hong Kong film hits, including Twilight of the Warriors: Walled InThe Sparring Partner, the Table for Six series, Overheard 3In Broad DaylightAll Shall Be WellThe Lyricist WannabeMy Prince EdwardMad FateAnitaCustoms Frontline, and the upcoming films Once in a Blue Moon and The Last Dance. He will share his insights, experiences, and knowledge on subtitling as well as the Hong Kong film industry with HKU students.

#1讓世界認識香港文化: 電影字幕的重要性 Introducing Hong Kong culture to the World through movie subtitles


This session will cover the importance of subtitles, the possibilities of translation and its role in exporting Hong Kong culture, together with the workflow of Hong Kong film production and the role of subtitlers.

Date: 22/10/2024 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: LE3
Language: Cantonese

#2 如何譯出好字幕﹖How to be a good subtitler?


This workshop will cover the essential skills needed to create engaging subtitles, translating between Chinese and English in both directions, within the media and film industries. Participants will also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in subtitle translation.

*Since the content of this session will continue from the first one, participants are strongly encouraged to attend the first session as well.

Date: 24/10/2024 (Thu)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: KKLG106
Language: Cantonese

Registration Session #1 讓世界認識香港文化: 電影字幕的重要性 Introducing Hong Kong culture to the World through movie subtitles

Registration Session #2 如何譯出好字幕﹖How to be a good subtitler?

Registration starts at 10:00 on 10 Sep (Tue).

Date Time Venue
22 Oct 2024 19:00 - 21:00 LE3
24 Oct 2024 19:00 - 21:00 KKLG106
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
 KM馬樂民先生 Mr. Kevin Ma


他從2011年起為香港及內地著名影視公司電影翻譯劇本、大綱及其他宣傳文案。他為超過50套電影翻譯英文字幕,包括商業大片及藝術電影。他現時擔任烏甸尼遠東電影節顧問及Movie Movie電影院MMM雜誌的英文編輯。他亦曾為南韓富川國際奇幻影展、波蘭 Five Flavours 電影節、香港國際電影節、香港亞洲電影節及香港電影資料館撰寫文章。

他早年曾任YesAsia.com英文編輯、電影行業媒體Film Business Asia大中華地區記者及國泰航空Discovery雜誌娛樂編輯。

Kevin Ma is a writer and translator based in Hong Kong. He holds a B.A. in Film Studies and Communication from University of California Davis, as well as a Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television and Digital Media (in Scriptwriting) from Hong Kong Baptist University. Since 2011, he has worked with the region’s biggest film companies, translating full-length scripts, film synopses, and other promotional materials. He has subtitled over 50 films, ranging from commercial blockbusters to award-winning arthouse films. He is currently the Hong Kong consultant of the Udine Far East Film Festival and the English editor of Movie Movie Magazine (MMM). He has also contributed to publications by South Korea’s Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival, Poland’s Five Flavours Film Festival, Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong Asian Film Festival, and the Hong Kong Film Archive.

Kevin was formerly an English editor at, the Greater China Correspondent of film business news organization Film Business Asia, and the entertainment editor of Cathay Pacific’s Discovery magazine.