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Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the First Semester, 2024 – 2025
This academic year, CEDARS-GE would like to provide HKU students with opportunities to engage in these meaningful dialogues. We have curated a variety of non-credit bearing programmes that offer diverse out-of-classroom experiences in exploring different topics – We Are The WorldF:A:C:E: (Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences), Green Living and Sustainability and Whole Person Development.
Through these programmes, we wish to inspire you to actively participate in dialogues - with yourself, with others, and with your unique experiences. By engaging in these enriching conversations, you can gain deeper self-understanding, broaden your perspectives, and elevate your journey of personal development.
We invite all HKU students to take part in these programmes and join us in these transformative dialogues.

starts on 10 Sep (Tue)
Enrolment links will be available in respective programme webpages.
Programme Title
We Are the World
We Are the World
A series of interdisciplinary study of local, regional, and global issues. Universal ...

Happy Thursday - Tea from Around the World
Happy Thursday - Tea from Around the World
Our Happy Thursday – Tea from Around the World continues to bring ...

Global News Chat
Global News Chat
We live in a globalised world with news circulating across the Internet, through ...

F:A:C:E: - Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences
F:A:C:E: - Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences
F:A:C:E: (Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences) is our dream to enrich campus ...

Music Series: Tune into the Future
Music Series: Tune into the Future
Dr. Chi Chung WONG 黃志淙博士
Bowen Li 李梓禾
音樂能超越文字和語言,創造跨越時空的對話。今個學年,通識聯同港大學生、資深DJ黃志淙博士、音樂人等籌劃一系列的音樂活動。透過同學策劃的音樂會、音樂沙龍、參訪本地音樂Livehous ...

Encountering The Butterfly Lovers @HKU – Would you be my ‘pure love’ classmate?
Encountering The Butterfly Lovers @HKU – Would you be my ‘pure love’ classmate?
Edward Lam 林奕華
上學,最好是「一個人」的事,還是「在一起」的事?三年疫情,等於沒有了三年的學校生活,有一種心境,便在日後陪伴著很多人,它叫「在一起地一個人」。人會被環境改變,人工智能(AI)的發展 ...

Opera Soiree: Shakespeare in Opera
Opera Soiree: Shakespeare in Opera
Mr. Peter Lai 黎慶寧先生
Ms. Phoebe Tam  譚樂軒小姐
Ms. Jessica Ng  吳羿䝼小姐

The literary output of Shakespeare, the giant of English literature, has inspired ...

Book Club: Young love, first love
Book Club: Young love, first love
Mr. Peter Lai 黎慶寧先生
Required Reading:Romeo and Juliet: No Fear ShakespeareWest Side Story“Young ...

The Secret Weapons of a Conference Interpreter
The Secret Weapons of a Conference Interpreter
張敬文博士 Dr. Cheung King Man
會議傳譯博大精深,當中即時傳譯可謂「非凡人可為之」,因傳譯員要聆聽並同時精確翻譯原文。通識(CEDARS-GE)邀請到擁有超過30年翻譯經驗的張敬文博士傳授「獨門武功」,大家學成以 ...

A Dialogue with Hong Kong Film Industry: The Basics of Movie Subtitling
A Dialogue with Hong Kong Film Industry: The Basics of Movie Subtitling
與香港電影對話: 字幕翻譯101
馬樂民 Kevin Ma
字幕是影視作品不可或缺的一部分,一直默默肩負起展現和詮釋作品的重大責任,讓語言、地域、文化背景不同的觀眾,無障礙地享受各式各樣作品之餘,也讓作品走得更遠,促進溝通。究竟好的字幕是如 ...

F:A:C:E: Subsidy
F:A:C:E: Subsidy
F:A:C:E: 鼓勵同學創作,無論是做展覽、拍短片、出版抑或搞講座,都會幫你實現!如果你有任何創作意念,歡迎提交計劃書,F:A:C:E:將會提供協助,包括校內場地、宣傳及製作資助 ...

Green Living and Sustainability
Green Living and Sustainability
Whilst living in a hustle and bustle city like Hong Kong, let’s remember to ...

HKU Holistic Urban Farming - Herb Garden Monthly Meet-up
HKU Holistic Urban Farming - Herb Garden Monthly Meet-up
如果你行經圖書館2樓出口,可能會發現通道旁邊的一個小角落,井然有序地種滿各式各樣的香草,其實那是港大的香草園!這個學期,通識將舉辦「香草園午間聚會」,讓港大師生透過導賞認識香草園, ...

Ad-hoc Programmes/Events
Ad-hoc Programmes/Events
Every semester, GE organises a variety of ad-hoc programmes, offering tailored learning ...