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TA-TA Party
TA-TA Party
GE相信有聚亦有散,分開或許只是等待下一次的重聚。畢業在即,你會否也想找「a good way to say Goodbye」?

GE將舉辦TA-TA Party,不論你是GE friends、student hosts、準畢業生、準備離開的交流生、或是曾經參加過GE活動的同學,我們都歡迎你參與其中,當中更有DJ Chi Chung 黃志淙親臨現場打碟,與大家在Gatherland歡送這個學年!

GE Team believes that separation is not the end but a chance for reunion. As this semester is coming to a close, are you also looking for “a good way to say Goodbye”?

GE would like to invite all of you to join a TA-TA Party, whether you are a friend of GE a student host, a soon-to-be graduate, an exchange student preparing to leave HKU, or a participant in previous GE programmes. DJ Chi Chung will also be there to spin a mix of tunes that keep you grooving and moving. All are welcome to celebrate!

Drinks and light refreshments will be served.

日期 Date:22/5/2024 (Wed)
時間 Time:18:00 – 20:00
地點 Venue:GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building)
表演嘉賓 Guest performer:Dr. Chi Chung Wong 黃志淙博士

Free of Charge. Quota is limited. First registered, first served.

報名 Register Here (HKU Students only)

Date Time Venue
22 May 2024 18:00 - 20:00 GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building)
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Chi ChungDr. Chi Chung Wong 黃志淙博士 (@ccchoice)

Dr. Wong Chi Chung is formerly the Head of General Education at HKU (2011-2023). He is now the curator/host at ccc/pop/up/space@art/home (@cccpopupspace) hosting various music, pop culture, arts events and exhibitions. He is also a veteran Radio DJ/Voice Artist/Arts & Cultural Critic/Curator/Educator. Focusing on global music and local pop/indie music culture, he plays an active role in promoting arts/culture/holistic lifestyles through Radio/TV and Social Media. Various cross-cultural curation and projects includes David Bowie’s Mandarin song A Fleeting Moment (1997), Dream Come True 80 Days Around the World (2000), PoPo Song @ Real World Studios (2004), James Wong Study (2005), Centennial Exhibition of Chinese Records (2006), Hong Kong Pop/Performing Culture: Creativity and Dynamics (2007), Farewell Ka Kui 15th Anniversary (2008), Gen-S Concert for Shanghai Expo (2010), and Hong Kong Week in Taipei (2012), Ryuichi Sakamoto's album async (2017), Heritage Museum (HK Pop 60+ : Canto Pop Oral History) (2021).
Chi Chung currently hosts the radio music show Chi Chung’s Choice on CR2/903, chants in his mindful music group i_is_one; and rides his new surf, ccc pop/up/space @ Art/Home, and teaches in different campuses, so on so forth.
黃志淙博士曾任香港大學通識教育總策劃 (2011-2023) ,資深電台DJ/聲音藝術家/音樂/文化/策展/教育人。多年來,他致力透過電台電視等媒介推廣本地和國際文化藝術,着眼國際音樂和本地音樂文化,曾策劃多個跨文化項目,包括大衛寶兒的國語歌《剎那天地》(1997)、《八十日環遊世界音樂蜜月》(2000)、《抱抱歌》(2004)、《黃霑書房》 (2005)、《中國唱片百年展》 (2006)、《香港流行演藝文化: 創意與動力展》(2007)、《別了家駒15載》 (2008)、上海世博《唱作世代》音樂會 (2010) 和台北香港週《唱作世代》音樂會 (2012)、坂本龍一 《async》大碟 (2017)、香港文化博物館 (廣東歌口述歷史)(2021)。
斜槓族志淙目前主持商業電台903節目《Chi Chung’s Choice》、 i_is_one靈性音樂組合成員、 ccc pop/up/space@Art/Home策展人、以及在不同校園分享音樂/人生等等……