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'The Invincible Light of Hong Kong' Documentary Theatre
'The Invincible Light of Hong Kong' Documentary Theatre
紀錄劇場 《擋不住的光》
The Documentary Theatre was derived from the stories of people in Hong Kong who were facing different kinds of difficulties and dilemmas during the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement. Interviewees came from various fields and positions, their professions included Journalist, Police and District Council members.

Performing Group: AddOil Workshop 加戲工作室

Date: 15/10 (Thu)
Time: 19:30 - 21:00
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: Cantonese

Speakers of Post-performance Discussion:

-  Franky Yau (Director and Producer)
-  Sara (Actress)
-  Journalist
Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students and Staff - 
Performance & Talk (15 Oct 2020)

The Documentary Theatre was derived from the stories of people in Hong Kong who were facing different kinds of difficulties and dilemmas during the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement. Interviewees came from various fields and positions, their professions included Journalist, Police and District Council members.

Performing Group: AddOil Workshop 加戲工作室

Date: 15/10 (Thu)
Time: 19:30 - 21:00
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: Cantonese

Speakers of Post-performance Discussion:

-  Franky Yau (Director and Producer)
-  Sara (Actress)
-  Journalist
Online registration:
► HKU Students and Staff - 

Medium 語言: Cantonese

Date Time Venue
15 Oct 2020 19:30 - 21:00 Online Platform
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
加戲工作室 AddOil Workshop

提供一個藝術平台,讓不同背景、文化及階層的人參與,透過戲劇、音樂、舞蹈、視覺藝術及其他藝術形式等,為人提供反思自己及改變世界的力量。我們相信戲劇及藝術的平台,能夠為社會帶來一點希望及光彩。「加戲工作室」走訪不同社區,進入中小學及不同社群,教授戲劇、藝術及自我創作。 「加戲工作室」 更利用不同媒體,進入社群,與婦女、老人家、特殊學校及不同的人,進行不同類型的工作坊,例如:戲劇教育、演員訓練、因應不同主題的過程戲劇、和諧粉彩、圓圈畫、五感藝術治療、紀錄劇場、收壓迫者劇場、論壇劇場、一人一故事劇場等等。