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Performance & Talk
'The Invincible Light of Hong Kong' Documentary Theatre
紀錄劇場 《擋不住的光》
Date 日期:  15 Oct 2020
Time 時間: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Venue 地點: Conducted via online platform
Medium 語言: Cantonese
Summary 內容: 演出利用「紀錄劇場」的方式,訪問不同工種的專業人士,例如警察、記者及區議員等等,探索自反對《逃犯條例》修訂草案運動至今,這些專業人士在運動中面對的困難及掙扎。

The Documentary Theatre was derived from the stories of people in Hong Kong who were facing different kinds of difficulties and dilemmas during the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement. Interviewees came from various fields and positions, their professions included Journalist, Police and District Council members.

Performing Group: AddOil Workshop 加戲工作室

Date: 15/10 (Thu)
Time: 19:30 - 21:00
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: Cantonese

Speakers of Post-performance Discussion:

-  Franky Yau (Director and Producer)
-  Sara (Actress)
-  Journalist
Online registration:
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