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Re-reading and Re-visiting Hong Kong
Re-reading and Re-visiting Hong Kong
The world has changed, and so has Hong Kong; nowhere does not look the same in 2020 as it did before. For over a year now, Hong Kong has been going through a sustained period of political and social upheaval, which has been compounded by the sudden encounter with a pandemic that is causing global lockdown/slowdown. It seems that we are no longer free to do what we want—some people are trapped in while others are locked out. At this unprecedented moment, let us find our way out by re-reading and re-visiting the essence of this city. In this series, we will review the evolution of Hongkongers’ identity, get to know Hong Kong’s public housing, where over two million people live in, and visit the outskirts of the city.
穿越「獅子山精神」Traversing Through the ‘Lion Rock Spirit’
The social unrest of recent times has changed Hong Kong forever. The ‘Lion Rock spirit’, which has been regarded as one of the core values of Hong Kong, is once again heatedly discussed. Older generations tend to be proud of this: it is believed the ‘spirit’ drives people to work hard in unity and perseverance, and it not only improves the quality of life, but also promotes economic growth, which gradually shapes the Hong Kong identity. However, younger generation, at a time of great turmoil, has a contrasting interpretation of this idea. Three Hongkongers of different generations will explore the evolving changes in the interpretation of the ‘Lion Rock spirit’.
- Dr. Ng Chun Hung 吳俊雄博士 
  Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, HKU
- Mr. Kenny Leung 阿果
  Feature Reporter, The Stand News; Columnist, Ming Pao
- Daniel Lei 李梓成 (BA Year 5)

Date: 24/9 (Thu)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided for HKU students upon request 7 days prior to the event)

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students and Staff - 
► Alumni and Public - 

香港公屋遊記 A Travelogue: Public Housing in Hong Kong
Living in public housing is part of the collective memory and experience of many Hong Kong people. While there are over two million people living in public housing estates today, it is indeed hard to obtain a unit—taking an average of 5 years for family applicants and much longer for one-person applicants. In the city with the world’s most expensive housing market, paying an affordable rent for a reasonable living environment is like a dream to the grassroots. If public housing becomes a need of the majority, is it still a type of social welfare? However, looking from another viewpoint, without the limitations of having to maximise profit, can the design of public housing estates include more community considerations? Dr. Rosman Wai, formerly a senior architect with the Housing Department, and Dr. Leung Kai Chi, a geographer specialising in Urban Studies, will show us different facets of Hong Kong’s public housing and explore the possibilities for future development.
- Dr. Rosman Wai 衞翠芷博士 
  Lecturer, Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes, Faculty of Architecture, HKU
- Dr. Leung Kai Chi 梁啓智博士 
  PhD in Geography, University of Minnesota
Date: 20/10 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided for HKU students upon request 7 days prior to the event)

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students and Staff - 
► Alumni and Public - 

消失中的村落──古洞 The Disappearing Villages—Kwu Tung
Kwu Tung, located on the outskirts of Hong Kong, is part of the development project that aims to substantially increase the number of high-density residential developments in this northern New Territories area. With the final deadlines looming for the arrival of the bulldozers, will the faces of Kwu Tung villagers and their stories be forgotten?
Sze Ka-yan, who is familiar with rural land development in the New Territories, will join with villager Lee Siu-wa and photographer John Choy, to guide you on a tour to local factories at Kwu Tung, and possibly a final opportunity for you to hear their stories.
- Ms. Sze Ka Yan 史嘉茵女士
- Mr. Lee Siu-wa 李肇華先生
- Mr. John Choy 蔡旭威先生
Date: 11/10 (Sun)
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Venue: Kwu Tung
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 20
Deposit: HK$50

Registration quota is FULL!

IMPORTANT: If the size limit of group gathering will be loosen up at least 1 week before the event date, this programme will be carried out as scheduled. Otherwise, a FULL refund will be made to your bank account.
We will closely monitor the situation and decide whether would we reschedule or change it to online mode.

Lecture 講座 (20 Oct 2020)
Living in public housing is part of the collective memory and experience of many Hong Kong people. While there are over two million people living in public housing estates today, it is indeed hard to obtain a unit—taking an average of 5 years for family applicants and much longer for one-person applicants. In the city with the world’s most expensive housing market, paying an affordable rent for a reasonable living environment is like a dream to the grassroots. If public housing becomes a need of the majority, is it still a type of social welfare? However, looking from another viewpoint, without the limitations of having to maximise profit, can the design of public housing estates include more community considerations? Dr. Rosman Wai, formerly a senior architect with the Housing Department, and Dr. Leung Kai Chi, a geographer specialising in Urban Studies, will show us different facets of Hong Kong’s public housing and explore the possibilities for future development.
- Dr. Rosman Wai 衞翠芷博士 
  Lecturer, Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes, Faculty of Architecture, HKU
- Dr. Leung Kai Chi 梁啓智博士 
  PhD in Geography, University of Minnesota
Date: 20/10 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided for HKU students upon request 7 days prior to the event)

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students and Staff - 
► Alumni and Public - 
Speaker(s) 講師: Dr. Rosman Wai 衞翠芷博士
Dr. Leung Kai Chi 梁啓智博士

Date Time Venue
24 Sep 2020 18:45 - 20:45 Online Platform
11 Oct 2020 10:00 - 17:00 Kwu Tung
20 Oct 2020 18:45 - 20:45 Online Platform
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:

吳俊雄博士 Dr. Ng Chun Hung

香港大學社會學系名譽副教授,長期關注香港流行文化和社會發展。曾出版《文化拉扯》、《普普香港︰閱讀香港普及文化,2000-2010》( 合編 )、及《此時此處許冠傑》等著作。2005年,與幾位文化工作者發起「流行文化存香港 ─ 黃霑書房」的長期計劃。近年為「香港記憶計劃」製作了《黃霑書房網站》,和替香港電台主持播音節目《粵語長片重出江湖》。

阿果 Mr. Kenny Leung


李梓成 Daniel Lei

李梓成同學以音樂特別生獲文學院取錄,現主修音樂,副修中國語言文學,一手談藝,一手論政,為《明報》、《明報月刊》、《art plus》、《星島日報》、《亞洲週刊》、《am730》、《大頭菜文藝月刊》、《立場新聞》等媒體寫下近百篇的樂評及社論。

衞翠芷博士 Dr. Rosman Wai


Leung Kai Chi
梁啓智博士 Dr. Leung Kai Chi 
