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Public Lecture
A Travelogue: Public Housing in Hong Kong
Date 日期:  20 Oct 2020
Time 時間: 6:45pm - 8:45pm
Venue 地點: Conducted via online platform
Speaker(s) 講師: Dr. Rosman Wai 衞翠芷博士
Dr. Leung Kai Chi 梁啓智博士
Summary 內容: 「等上樓」或許是基層市民的共同回憶和經歷,香港現時有三成人口,約二百幾萬人住在政府興建的公營租住房屋,但一般家庭由申請至成功上樓可能動輒要五年或以上,單身人士更可能要等十數年(人生有幾多個十年?)隨着社會經濟變遷,「公屋」變得讓人又愛又恨,在香港這個全球最高樓價的城市,以可應付的租金換取相對舒適安全的居住環境已無奈地成為大眾的願望,但「住公屋」又容易被負面標籤,公屋究竟是社會福利抑或基本需要?不用「賺到盡」的屋邨設計是否更接近理想社區?房屋署前高級建築師衞翠芷博士和地理學人梁啓智博士會帶你從不同角度認識香港公屋,一起探討公屋發展的可能性。
Living in public housing is part of the collective memory and experience of many Hong Kong people. While there are over two million people living in public housing estates today, it is indeed hard to obtain a unit—taking an average of 5 years for family applicants and much longer for one-person applicants. In the city with the world’s most expensive housing market, paying an affordable rent for a reasonable living environment is like a dream to the grassroots. If public housing becomes a need of the majority, is it still a type of social welfare? However, looking from another viewpoint, without the limitations of having to maximise profit, can the design of public housing estates include more community considerations? Dr. Rosman Wai, formerly a senior architect with the Housing Department, and Dr. Leung Kai Chi, a geographer specialising in Urban Studies, will show us different facets of Hong Kong’s public housing and explore the possibilities for future development.
- Dr. Rosman Wai 衞翠芷博士 
  Lecturer, Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes, Faculty of Architecture, HKU
- Dr. Leung Kai Chi 梁啓智博士 
  PhD in Geography, University of Minnesota
Date: 20/10 (Tue)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided for HKU students upon request 7 days prior to the event)

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students and Staff - 
► Alumni and Public - 
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: 

衞翠芷博士 Dr. Rosman Wai


Leung Kai Chi
梁啓智博士 Dr. Leung Kai Chi 
