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Music Salon: From Woodstock to Love & Peace and More
Music Salon: From Woodstock to Love & Peace and More
2019 is a big year to commemorate a series of major historical cultural epics and watersheds that have shaped and changed the courses of our mindsets about modernity and humanity.
The May Fourth Movement in China took place 100 years ago, with the motto of learning “Democracy and Science”.  It is still relevant to us all today, isn’t it?
Fifty years ago, in USA, Woodstock 1969 was not only a music festival but also a crystallised catalysts for the liberation of some very important social movements: the green revolution, gender equality, Stonewall, and the music festival culture that flourished in places such as Glastonbury in the UK (1970). These are all about empowerment and the betterment of humanity. Yet, they gave birth to a wide range of musical and cultural possibilities.

#Salon 1 (29/1)
In the first session of Music Salon, we will take you back to the 1960s to get to know more about the folk culture, psychedelic rock, and social movements through a selection of music from icons of the time, including Bob Dylan, Peter, Paul and Mary, Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead and The Doors.
#Salon 2 (18/2)
To revisit the legendary Woodstock music festival of 50 years ago, we will join together in watching clips and documentaries, and witness the emergence of the rising stars of the time, including Santana and Richie Haven.

#Salon 3 (29/3)
The legacy of Woodstock is incalculable, from Lee Ang’s Taking Woodstock to local group, C Allstar’s Our Woodstock, we will delve into the realms of legacies and tributes in this session.
What’s your Woodstock? What is love and peace to you? Which song could represent a current Woodstock to you? Tell us more in Music Salon!

Host: Dr. Wong Chi Chung Elvin 黃志淙博士 (Head of General Education, CEDARS, HKU; Veteran Radio DJ)
Dates: 29/1 (Tue), 18/2 (Mon), 29/3 (Fri)
Time: 18:30 – 20:30
Venue: GE Gatherland2001 (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)
Language: English

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 18/1 (Fri):
For HKU students and staff –
For alumni and public –
Screening and Performance (09 Apr 2019)
The mania for the legendary British rock band Queen has swept over the globe one more time after the release of mega hit film Bohemian Rhapsody. One of the iconic scenes is the re-enactment of the Live Aid concert, and in this newly added session of Music Salon, we will first show you the highlighted clips of the original Live Aid concert, followed by a tribute session with Joey Tang, vocal and guitarist of Hong Kong well-known rock band Tai Chi, and his son Justin Tang.

電影《波希米亞狂想曲:搖滾傳說》上映後,英國搖滾樂隊Queen的狂熱再次席捲全球,片中Live Aid的演出更是一大賣點。在本節的音樂沙龍,我們會播放Queen在Live Aid音樂會的精華片段,太極樂隊主音及結他手鄧建明(Joey Tang)亦會聯同兒子Justin,自彈自唱多首Queen的作品,為一代搖滾傳奇致意。

Online registration:
For HKU students and staff –
For alumni and public –
Speaker(s) 講師: Mr. Joey Tang 鄧建明先生
Mr. Justin Tang 鄧朗堯先生

Date Time Venue
29 Jan 2019 18:30 - 20:30 GE Gatherland2001
18 Feb 2019 18:30 - 20:30 GE Gatherland2001
29 Mar 2019 18:30 - 20:30 GE Gatherland2001
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Dr. Wong Chi Chung Elvin 黃志淙博士 
Veteran DJ on Commercial Radio 2 for 30 years promoting international and local indie music. Chi Chung has been hosting lectures and concerts at GE since 2000 and became the Assistant Director of General Education in 2011. He has curated a wide array of GE events as well as cross-cultural projects, such as David Bowie’s Mandarin song (1997), Gen-S Concert, Shanghai Expo (2010), HK Week @ Taipei (2012), collaboration with Ryuichi Sakamoto on async (2017).