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Public Lecture
Music Salon: Tribute to Queen with Joey Tang and Justin Tang
Date 日期:  09 Apr 2019
Time 時間: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Venue 地點: GE Gatherland (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)
Speaker(s) 講師: Mr. Joey Tang 鄧建明先生
Mr. Justin Tang 鄧朗堯先生
Summary 內容: The mania for the legendary British rock band Queen has swept over the globe one more time after the release of mega hit film Bohemian Rhapsody. One of the iconic scenes is the re-enactment of the Live Aid concert, and in this newly added session of Music Salon, we will first show you the highlighted clips of the original Live Aid concert, followed by a tribute session with Joey Tang, vocal and guitarist of Hong Kong well-known rock band Tai Chi, and his son Justin Tang.

電影《波希米亞狂想曲:搖滾傳說》上映後,英國搖滾樂隊Queen的狂熱再次席捲全球,片中Live Aid的演出更是一大賣點。在本節的音樂沙龍,我們會播放Queen在Live Aid音樂會的精華片段,太極樂隊主音及結他手鄧建明(Joey Tang)亦會聯同兒子Justin,自彈自唱多首Queen的作品,為一代搖滾傳奇致意。

Online registration:
For HKU students and staff –
For alumni and public –
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: Mr. Joey Tang 鄧建明先生 (右)

Mr. Justin Tang 鄧朗堯先生 (左)
鄧建明兒子,拔萃男書院中樂團敲擊手,自五歲起開始愛上QUEEN的音樂。曾於《Joey Tang GUITAR HERO Live 2009》及太極《交響狂熱》演唱會與鄧建明及太極樂隊合奏。