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Performance Training Programme
表演藝術工作坊 - 說得動聽
Performing art is a creative process that can be associated with a wide range of everyday tasks and activities to generate and transform your ideas into your own personal style of self portrayal.  The programme is divided into three components: Method Acting, Voice & Speech and Introduction to Music.  Students may choose to enroll in one or more modules.

GE2013-18B  說得動聽
25/9 (Wed)
Speak Clearly / Speak Interestingly

2/10 (Wed)
Elegance & Positioning
Humor & Jokes Delivering

9/10 (Wed)
Pitch & Expressions

23/10 (Wed)
Radio Drama / Advertisement / 
Standing Comedy Practice

Time:18:00 – 20:00


Enrolment of programme with deposit/ fee for HKU Students (Starts on Sep 10 10:00am):
GE2013-18B: Please enroll at our counter (10, 11 Sep) or G21, May Hall (12 Sep onwards)
Lecture 講座 (25 Sep 2013)
Performing art is a creative process that can be associated with a wide range of everyday tasks and activities to generate and transform your ideas into your own personal style of self portrayal.  The programme is divided into three components: Method Acting, Voice & Speech and Introduction to Music.  Students may choose to enroll in one or more modules.
Speaker(s) 講師: 程乃根先生 Mr. Jonathan Tsing

Medium: Cantonese
Quota: 40
Fee: $200 (incl. a deposit of $100)
Date Time Venue
25 Sep 2013 18:00 - 20:00 MB142
02 Oct 2013 18:00 - 20:00 MB142
09 Oct 2013 18:00 - 20:00 MB142
23 Oct 2013 18:00 - 20:00 MB142
16 Nov 2013 10:00 - 13:00 T1
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
程乃根先生 Mr. Jonathan Tsing
資深傳媒人及著名口才訓練專家。七、八十年代,在無線電視台除擔當人事經理一職外,並協助藝員口才及司儀訓練,桃李滿門。八八年移民加國,工作於加拿大世界宣明會,為該會創立華人事工部,成績斐然。在加國生活期間,與友人合資經營電台,提供資訊輔導,協助華人適應新生活。程先生亦因而獲加國聯邦政府頒發 “Excellence in Journalism”獎狀。
回港後開設 THE SPEECH CLINIC 為有需要人仕提供語言表達技巧訓練。於2005年12月加入恩語之聲,擔任營運總監,協調節目製作並辦公室行政等工作。並自2006年開始,每年均為科技大學商學院行政人員訓練中心 EXECUTIVE TRAINING CENTRE主辦的危機處理課程中擔任“與傳媒相處及演講技巧”客席講師。自2011年9月份開始獲浸會大學電影學院邀請教授“聲音與對白 (VOICE & SPEECH)”。2012年2月份起協助城市電訊免費電視台藝員進修班訓練新人。