Peer Support

Peer Support

Upon registering for the SEN Support Service, your SEN Case Manager can help to arrange peer supporters based on the needs of each individual student.

Here are some of the services provided by peer supporters:

Note-taking Support
We try to arrange a student from the same class and/or a peer supporter to help noting down major learning points delivered in lectures for students who have difficulties in writing their notes. Please be reminded that as this support service is not a substitute for class attendance.

Campus Orienteering
You are strongly advised to get familiarised with the campus facilities and locations before you start your studies. Please visit Campus Accessibility and Resources for useful information.
If you require accessible routes to classrooms or campus facilities due to your disabilities / conditions, students with SEN can contact us at

Study Buddy Matching
Upon request, we can try to match a peer supporter "study buddy" for you where the student with SEN and the buddy can contact at their own schedule. The aim is to encourage the mutual exchange of ideas, study skills and experience; as well as to enhance social network and connection for students with SEN.

Peer Support