Low Intensity Psychological Treatment
Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (LICBT) is an evidence-based, short-term and structured psychological intervention. It is found to be effective in treating mild to moderate common mental health problems. Research has demonstrated its effectiveness for the treatment of mild to moderate anxiety disorder and depression.
Important Notice
Thank you for your support and participations in Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (LICBT) at CEDARS-CoPE. With the support from project funding of the COVID-19 Special Grants, over 450 individual treatment sessions and 75 group workshops were successfully conducted for
HKU students to address depressed mood, anxiety, and sleep issues.
Upon the conclusion of the COVID-19 Special Grants on 31 December 2023, LICBT services at CEDARS-CoPE is discontinued. To receive LICBT services, you are encouraged to seek out community resources that adopt the approach. The following are some of the non-governmental organizations which provide LICBT services in Hong Kong. You are also welcome to approach us directly for counselling services with our professional team. It is free and confidential.
Programme and Organisation | Target Participants | Mode of Service | Service Providers |
賽馬會心理e療站 (eClinic) | Hong Kong permanent resident, aged 15-35, who can understand Chinese and Cantonese |
Trained Clinical Psychologists, social workers and counsellors |
心理健康普及計劃 - 心旅心理服務有限公司 | Hong Kong residents, aged 18 or above, who can understand Chinese or English |
Trained Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners |
* Important Note: CEDARS (Counselling and Person Enrichment) does not assume responsibility for the quality of services provided by the listed agencies. Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement and omission does not indicate disapproval.