Aptitude Tests
Aptitude Tests

FREE Online Aptitude Practice Tests and Games
According to research, 60-80% of candidates are rejected based on their aptitude test results. It is proven that practice increases your employability. Get on with FREE Online Aptitude Practice Tests and Games to help you succeed through recruitment and job assessment processes.
The platform was launched by Psychometric Consultants and Chartered Occupational Psychologists with years of experience in Psychometric testing and assessment. Their experts have worked with test publishing organisations such as SHL and Kenexa for many years. With expertise in designing and running assessment centres, conducting competency based interviews, and delivering training to HR personnel from top multinational organisations on how to assess during an assessment centre, they have the insights necessary to advise you in all areas associated with graduate assessment.
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Please submit your registration form via HKU CEDARS.
Registered User Login
Please go to the University of Hong Kong Assessments Portal and login with your university email address.
Enquiry: aptitudetests@cedars.hku.hk