
Research and Explore Options and Opportunities

Networking Opportunities for HKU Students

  • Recruitment Talks - Annually over 120 companies of different professions organise recruitment presentations on or out of campus where students are introduced to the corporate background, recent graduate of HKU and senior executive staff. These are good opportunities for students to reach out and establish contacts.

  • HKU Mentorship Programme - HKU Second Year Undergraduate students are eligible to join the programme to maintain a one-to-one relationship with HKU Mentors, Alumni and experts from different walks of life.

  • HKU Alumni Bodies - Our alumni maintain strong bonding and loyalty to support our studentsˇ¦ well-being. The website shows a list of alumni bodies of different disciplines and years of graduation.

  • Student Activities - Participate in student activities widen your network. Watch out for programme announcements, which may provide opportunities for you to meet business and community leaders.

  • Teachers, Tutors,Seniors, Hallmates and Classmates - Our teaching staff are a good source of personal contacts as they are experienced and maintain extensive network in the field.

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