and Explore Options and Opportunities
Tips for attending Office Visits
Students invited by prospective employers to office visits are expected
dress professionally,
behave in a natural, relaxed, friendly and
professional manner,
be INTERESTED in the company, ask the
company representatives about the job, the business, challenges,
opportunities, what you could do to help the business, and,
be interesting, respond to what you are told,
share what you think about what you heard and how you could
contribute to the business,
be interested in the company representatives and
other student participants, ask about them, but not in a nosy
be interesting as a person yourself, talk about
hobbies, sports, current affairs etc.,
discuss your views with the company
representatives, e.g. this is what you like about the business, this
is what you think are the challenges, this is what you think you
might do....etc. Then ask him/her whether or not that is the sort of
thing that would be useful etc., and
be friendly and considerate with the other
candidates, draw them into the conversation if they are shy and did
not have a chance to contribute.
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