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Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

  1. The facilities are free to students; charges are imposed for departments.
  2. Online booking is available for use by both students and departments.
  3. Transfer of bookings is prohibited.
  4. If user does not turn up after the grace period from the scheduled booking date/time, the reservation will be cancelled automatically.
  5. Please do not eat or drink in the venues without prior approval from the Centre.
  6. Please clean the place, clear all the rubbish and debris and arrange the furniture in proper order immediately after the event.
  7. Prior approval has to be obtained from relevant Centre concerning the display of any structure other than the Centres furniture and equipment, and removal of furniture in the venue.
  8. Posters and publicity materials are only allowed in designated places with prior permission from the Centre.
  9. Preparation and dismantling time should be included in the booking time.
  10. Please note the capacity of the rooms and make reservation according to your needs.
  11. The organizer of the function is held responsible for the following:
    1. The conduct of the users, and cleanliness of the rooms/areas.
    2. Any damage caused to the Centre facilities.
    3. The well-being of all items that are on loan during the period and the costs of repair or replacement of any damaged or lost items.
    4. Return the reserved items to the Centre Office, and remove their own items from venue after the event.
  12. The venue shall not be used for any performances or activities involving copyrights, including the screening of movie, performance of drama or musical work, without the consent of the copyright owner or his/her authorised agent.
  13. All users are requested to abide by the regulations for the use of facilities in the Centre. Breach of regulations may lead to cancellation of bookings, suspension of future bookings of any facilities under the administration of the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) or payment of fines.
  14. Cancellation of booking:
    1. Bookings will be automatically cancelled when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Signal is in force.
    2. If a user does not turn up after the grace period has lapsed, the booking will be cancelled automatically.
    3. The Manager reserves the right to cancel any booking when such need arises.
  15. Student and departmental users can enquire or cancel their bookings through the online booking system.
  16. All equipment borrowed must be used only on the University campus unless otherwise agreed in advance.
  17. All loan equipment must be returned to the Centre Office on due date within office hours and is subject to a late return penalty.
  18. All equipment borrowed must be used and handled with care, breakage or loss may be chargeable.
  19. Please consult the Centre Manager for rules and regulations governing the use of venue and equipment.
  20. Other requests should be directed to the Centre Manager.
  21. In view of the pandemic situation, some of the High Table Dinner functions may be organized outside University campus. Users are required to submit special requests for taking gowns outside campus by sending email to fscac@hku.hk. Penalty may be imposed to cover the cost of gown if there is any loss or damaged.