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Notes on Booking

Notes on Booking

Booking Guidelines

Online bookings for the same day are not available from 5 p.m. (Mon - Fri) / 12:00 noon (Sat) to 9:00 a.m. of the following working day. 

For enquiries concerning facilities’ availability, booking and check-in procedures, please approach Centre office (1/F) during office hours (0900-1800 on Mon – Fri and 0900-1300 on Saturday) or contact our staff at 53045867 during non-office hours.

User Restriction

User Type Areas available for booking Advance booking Max. duration per session Max. bookings at any time Grace period (from reserved booking date/time)
i) individual student
(For piano practice only)
Music Room 3 calendar days 2 hours 1 booking 30 minutes
ii) group of students
(At least 5)
Meeting Room 7 calendar days 3 hours 1 booking 30 minutes
Coffee Lounge
iii) student bodies Music Room 182 calendar days 3 hours 3 bookings 30 minutes
Meeting RoomNil
Multi-purpose Room
Coffee Lounge
Equipment/Furniture 2 months 7 days NA One day
Publicity Space 2 months 7 days NA One day
iv) department
(please check the scale of charges)
Music Room 122 calendar days Nil 1 booking Payment with no refund
Meeting Room
Multi-purpose Room
Coffee Lounge
Equipment/Furniture 2 months NA
Publicity Space 2 months 7 days NA One day