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Leadership Institute on Narcotics is now recruiting the Fourth Cohort! 第四屆「禁毒領袖學院」現正進行招募!

Leadership Institute on Narcotics is now recruiting the Fourth Cohort! 第四屆「禁毒領袖學院」現正進行招募!

Leadership Institute on Narcotics (L.I.O.N.), the Narcotics Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force is now recruiting the Fourth Cohort!  L.I.O.N. now accepts applications of university students to join as fourth cohort mentees.  You are cordially invited to join this programme and gain invaluable experiences or exchange opportunities through a series of training activities! The application period will end on 31st October, 2024. Qualified applicants will be invited for an interview in December 2024, and the results will be announced no later than January 2025.

L.I.O.N. is now recruiting 20 full-time university students from local universities as mentees. Each university mentee will be leading 4 secondary school mentees under the supervision of a professional mentor and together they will plan and organise an anti-drug campaign in their respective secondary schools. The interview for university mentees will be conducted in a small group setting. To apply for L.I.O.N., please download the application form here and submit the application to ‘sgt-int-1e-nb@police.gov.hk’. The application deadline is 31st October, 2024.


學院現正招募20名全日制本地大學大學生成為大學學員,每名大學學員將會在其專業導師指導下帶領四名中學學員,並一同策劃於中學學員所屬中學舉辦校園抗毒活動。 大學學員面試會以小組形式進行。如欲參加「禁毒領袖學院」, 在此下載參加表格,填妥後電郵至sgt-int-1e-nb@police.gov.hk截止申請日期為20241031