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Online Ordering on Campus

Online Ordering on Campus

Order Online Skip The LIne

Web Order with Online Payment
For best browsing experience, please use mobile device to order 

Kiosk by Sandwich Club
Run Run Shaw Podium, Main Campus

 Kiosk by Sandwich Club

QR code

Click here to place order at Kiosk by Sandwich Club

2/F, Academic Building, 3 Sassoon Road, Sassoon Road Campus


QR Code to place order at Grove

Click here to place order at Grove (ordering platform for mobile device only)

Oliver's Super Sandwiches
LG/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Central Podium, Centennial Campus

Oliver’s Super Sandwiches Outlet and Food

QR Code to place order at Oliver’s Super Sandwiches

Click here to place order at Oliver's Super Sandwiches

alfafa cafe
G/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Central Podium, Centennial Campus

alfafa cafe outlet and food

QR Code to place order at alfafa cafe

Click here to place order at alfafa cafe

Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant  (Hong Kong Daily)
4/F, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, Main Campus

Hong Kong Daily

QR code to place order at Hong Kong Daily

Click here to place [TAKEAWAY] order at Hong Kong Daily


Mobile App Order with Payment

Composite Building Cafeteria A - Starbucks Coffee 
Shop G.03, G/F, Composite Building, Main Campus

Starbucks Coffee

Download App at the App Store (iOS)

Download App on Google Play (Android)


Web Order and Pay at Outlet's Self-ordering Kiosk
For best browsing experience, please use mobile device to order

Union Restaurant - HK Diners
4/F, Haking Wong Building, Main Campus

Union Restaurant Outlet and Food

QR code to place order at Union Restaurant

Click here to place order at HK Diner (payment in shop)


Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant 
4/F, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, Main Campus

CYMAC Restaurant

QR code to place order at CYMAC Restaurant 

Click here to place order at CYMAC Restaurant (payment in shop)

Gourmet Asia
G/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus

Gourmet Asia Outlet and Food

QR code to place order at Gourmet Asia

Click here to place order at Gourmet  Asia (payment in shop)