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Selected slogans featuring Strategies, Attitudes & Communication that are essential to cope with life adversities

  1. 加油!逆境只會在背後! (Ng Hing Tai, Education)
  2. 無論條路幾灰暗…聽日都總有日出既!(Ng Wai Ching, BA)
  3. 紫荊花開俏一片,勢如破竹笑顏開,滿竹紅花喜歡騰,喜看人間又一春。(Ng Wai Lam, BA)
  4. 翼在云天終不遠 (Silvan, Education)
  5. 最緊要正面 (Wong Ming Wai, Architecture)
  6. 無星夜空,尚有明月。(Sze Shun Yan, Engineering)
  7. 千堆雪裡孤黃現,屹立崖頭有傲枝。(Tam Ho Wing, BA)
  8. 攜手登峰,共創成功,摶盡。(Tong Kwok Kwan, Science)
  9. 山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。(Kwok Ping Ting, Education)
  10. 勇字當頭,逆來抵受;才智搭救,盡解憂愁。(Chan Ka Lee Lily, Medicine)
  11. Another lesson on life (Lo Yat Hei, MBBS)
  12. Keep smiling (Lui Oi Yuk, BA)
  13. When everything seems grey, look for colors. (Pun Siu Shan, BA)
  14. Life is spiral up just like DNA. It’s born with you. (Wang Yi, FBE)
  15. We do not grow beautiful apart from adversity’s tireless nurturing. (Yujing Fun, Social Sciences)
  16. Sew up the world, resuscitate the hope. (傅徵玄, Science)
  17. Faith brings you to the bright. Fear holds you in the dark. (Yip Yeuk Yu, MSW)
  18. Charge with positive, change your perspective! (Wong Hin Ting, Thongphanh Marie France, FBE)
  19. Gain through adversity. (Cheung Man Kit Elroy (BA) & Yeung Lai Suet Annabelle (AF))
  20. Adversity is just a piece of cake. (Cheung Pui Yi Hilary, Nursing)
  21. Adaptive adversity. That’s adversity. (Lee Yuen Hang, Social Sciences)
  22. Dance on adversity. (Shi Xiangnan, E & F)
  23. It’s never too late. (Jason Hong, Engineering)
  24. Adversities will go away. Just think in a positive way. (Kwok Kam Yu, Science)
  25. The strategy of adversity coping is transformation!! (Kwok Kam Yu, Social Sciences)
  26. Be water, to ride the winds and plow the waves! (Cheng Wei Lee, Cognitive Science)
  27. Ever heat up. (Lau Mei Ying & Ng Che Kit, Engineering)
  28. When the sky falls, I have a new blanket. (Lau Siu Ki, Beng (CS))
  29. Be prepared to surf :) (Lee Kai Man, Science)
  30. Open your eye. Open your mind. (Fong Oi Kwan, BSc)