Selected slogans featuring Strategies, Attitudes & Communication that are essential to cope with life adversities
- 加油!逆境只會在背後! (Ng Hing Tai, Education)
- 無論條路幾灰暗…聽日都總有日出既!(Ng Wai Ching, BA)
- 紫荊花開俏一片,勢如破竹笑顏開,滿竹紅花喜歡騰,喜看人間又一春。(Ng Wai Lam, BA)
- 翼在云天終不遠 (Silvan, Education)
- 最緊要正面 (Wong Ming Wai, Architecture)
- 無星夜空,尚有明月。(Sze Shun Yan, Engineering)
- 千堆雪裡孤黃現,屹立崖頭有傲枝。(Tam Ho Wing, BA)
- 攜手登峰,共創成功,摶盡。(Tong Kwok Kwan, Science)
- 山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。(Kwok Ping Ting, Education)
- 勇字當頭,逆來抵受;才智搭救,盡解憂愁。(Chan Ka Lee Lily, Medicine)
- Another lesson on life (Lo Yat Hei, MBBS)
- Keep smiling (Lui Oi Yuk, BA)
- When everything seems grey, look for colors. (Pun Siu Shan, BA)
- Life is spiral up just like DNA. It’s born with you. (Wang Yi, FBE)
- We do not grow beautiful apart from adversity’s tireless nurturing. (Yujing Fun, Social Sciences)
- Sew up the world, resuscitate the hope. (傅徵玄, Science)
- Faith brings you to the bright. Fear holds you in the dark. (Yip Yeuk Yu, MSW)
- Charge with positive, change your perspective! (Wong Hin Ting, Thongphanh Marie France, FBE)
- Gain through adversity. (Cheung Man Kit Elroy (BA) & Yeung Lai Suet Annabelle (AF))
- Adversity is just a piece of cake. (Cheung Pui Yi Hilary, Nursing)
- Adaptive adversity. That’s adversity. (Lee Yuen Hang, Social Sciences)
- Dance on adversity. (Shi Xiangnan, E & F)
- It’s never too late. (Jason Hong, Engineering)
- Adversities will go away. Just think in a positive way. (Kwok Kam Yu, Science)
- The strategy of adversity coping is transformation!! (Kwok Kam Yu, Social Sciences)
- Be water, to ride the winds and plow the waves! (Cheng Wei Lee, Cognitive Science)
- Ever heat up. (Lau Mei Ying & Ng Che Kit, Engineering)
- When the sky falls, I have a new blanket. (Lau Siu Ki, Beng (CS))
- Be prepared to surf :) (Lee Kai Man, Science)
- Open your eye. Open your mind. (Fong Oi Kwan, BSc)