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Studying Medicine in a Different Way

Studying Medicine in a Different Way


Hui Wan Hin, Rex's Story 
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Photo of Rex

Have you envisioned yourself in a white coat, scurrying round the wards with a stethoscope wrapped around your neck?  Studying medicine comes with an expectation to make much greater effort, with lectures, revisions and clinical works taking up a great deal of time.  Unlike other typical medical students, Rex Hui chose to make his university life a bit unusual by committing himself to medical research.  Presenting his research at the 26th Conference held by the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver in Shanghai in February 2017 was indeed an invaluable and impactful learning experience for him.

"I can contribute much more to the community by dedicating myself to medical research."

Rex is academically accomplished and has received multiple awards during his studies. He is also an award recipient of the Chui's Student Excellence Scheme. He has published his work in international journals as well.  As a final-year medical student, instead of getting completely engrossed in volumes of revision materials, Rex suspended his study in the third year and pursued the degree of Master of Research in Medicine thanks to his passion for Gastroenterology. As he put it, “as a frontline doctor, what I can contribute is just very little...but I can contribute much more to the community by dedicating myself to medical research.” Therefore, the Shanghai conference, a significant one in the field of Hepatology in the Asia-Pacific region, was an instrumental experience for him. “Not only did I get an opportunity to deliver an oral presentation of my research, but also received constructive comments from other experienced professors and researchers. I have also broadened my horizons and had a better grasp of knowledge through attending lectures presented by internationally distinguished experts in this field,” he said.  Rex is also pleased to find his effort being recognized by other eminent researchers.

Despite onerous challenge behind medical research, Rex hopes to pursue an academic career and work as a clinician-scientist after graduation.  The conference has paved the way for his future by equipping himself with better understanding of his research area.

Written by:
Katie Yu
Year 4, Faculty of Arts
April 2018

Studying Medicine in a Different Way