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A Discovery of Privilege

A Discovery of Privilege

Wan Wai Hin, Abraham's Story 
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

"Believing that a joint-university overseas study tour is an opportunity too scarce to miss."

In retrospect of his four-year Nursing training, the study tour Abraham Wan (BNurs (4)) attended in his sophomore year, with financial assistance from the First in the Family (FIFE ) Education Fund, has withstood the battle of time as his most conspicuous yet melancholic experience down memory lane.

Before attending the study tour, Abraham had doubts over the mainland’s public healthcare system due to fear of the unknown. However, believing that a joint-university overseas study tour is an opportunity too scarce to miss, Abraham bravely ventured out of his comfort zone.

Photo of Abraham at Beijing

The choice was proven to be right as Abraham was given the privilege to visit the Intensive Care Unit of the Class-A Beijing Chaoyang Hospital and be marveled by its posh and state-of-the-art medical hardware. His international view was also enriched by learning that patient rooms and waiting areas in Class-A hospitals are intentionally built spacious to cater nationwide patients.

Photo of Abraham and teammates

Whilst Abraham found the development of the mainland’s public healthcare system flabbergasting, it is ill in comparison with the marvels of its human resources. During a sharing session with medical postgraduates from the Peking University, Abraham discovered that mainland students are systematically efficient in learning as they are generous in sharing heard-earned knowledge among their peers. Although these kindred spirits are the pivots for the future of China’s public healthcare system, Abraham’s heart sank upon realizing that these hardworking souls will never achieve the same living standards with their Hong Kong counterparts due to the low socio-economic status of nurses in the mainland. Even though the study tour lasts for merely four days, the shocking realization of his privilege as a nurse in Hong Kong will engrave in Abraham’s heart for years to come.

Written by:
Cliff Tse
Year 3, Faculty of Arts
March 2018

A Discovery of Privilege