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Rethinking Science More than Science

Rethinking Science More than Science

Lim Hui Yuan's Story
Faculty of Science

“There is a lot more emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in Hong Kong, even our university has a symposium on STEM education every summer for secondary school students.” Recognising the fruitful future of STEM education, Lim Hui Yuan (BSc), a Bruneian HKU fellow, has been committed to contributing to her scientific knowledge to educate the young generation. She shared with us the experience of participation in the STEM+ Leadership Programme organised by the Inclusive Business Lab. 

Photo of Lim Hui Yuan doing presentation

With various Leadership Roundtables and STEM+ Challenges, this Programme, according to Lim, renders creativity. “It is more than a Science Olympiad. It intertwines science, engineering and even arts and sports.” Cooperating with fellows from the University of Cambridge and the University of St. Gallen, Lim volunteered to prepare STEM+ lessons for students in Zhenjiang, China.

To take up a new role as a teacher, Lim had a hectic schedule for leading and guiding her students. However, she found this experience very rewarding as she was enlightened by scientific insights. “Now, I understand the need to educate the young generation about interlinking science with our daily life,” said Lim, who aspires to devote herself to the local scientific sector after graduation.

Photo of Lim Hui Yuan doing presentation

"She believes that everyone would benefit from STEM education, regardless of whether you have a science background."

When preparing lessons for Chinese students, this second-year science student felt intrigued about how entomophagy, the consumption of insects as food, tackles global issues. “Most students were too scared of the idea of eating insects. However, the issues behind, such as environmental degradation, socioeconomic inequalities, food waste and hygiene issues, are worth discussing,” Lim emphasised how STEM and our lives are connected.

Photo of Lim Hui Yuan at the STEM+ Leadership Programme

She believes that everyone would benefit from STEM education, regardless of whether you have a science background. “More funding has been allocated to scientific research and development, and I think that’s a great start.” That’s why although she is on the way to scientific research sector, Lim continues to seize every STEM learning opportunity. She hopes she would be still doing what she loves after 10 years and loves whatever choices she has made. And this 20-year-old student would like to say to her 30-year-old self, “Well done.”

Written by:
Amadeus Cheung
Faculty of Law, Year 2
August 2019

Rethinking Science More than Science