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Influencing Others One Speech at a Time

Influencing Others One Speech at a Time

Li Kin Cheung, Harrison's Story

Faculty of Science


Stories that would leave you hanging for more?  Check.

Anecdotes that would have you bursting out laughing, thinking “that’s so me?”  Check.

Personable speaker who’s about to become your new buddy in HKU?  Check.

Harrison Li (BSc (4)) has deepened his connection with the HKU community through a series of speaking engagements for CEDARS. His collaboration with CEDARS started in 2016, while being one of the executive committee members of the International Society. Harrison’s dynamic personality enabled him to connect with an audience of young representatives from foreign universities.  He was the Master of Ceremonies of Orientation for Non-local Students in 2017-2018.  It made him feel honored to become one of the first points of contact between the incoming exchange students and the wider HKU community.  Additionally, he believes in the necessity of delivering accessible information through first hand recounts.  Through injections of humor in his delivery, Harrison offered tips on how to survive in busy university life.

Finding his niche in Food and Nutritional Science, Harrison also has numerous out-of-classroom pursuits that support his learning experience in this field.  Harrison’s burning passion to empower and educate others about the healing power of food is supported with his aim of becoming a registered dietitian.  Furthermore, he was a lifelong sufferer of eczema, a skin condition that produces debilitating deficits to one’s quality of life, to say the least.  The story can be traced back to 2013 where he began a blog to catalogue his dietary and lifestyle changes.  It developed slowly to become a portal of reference for eczema sufferers, but it is safe to say that he is on the way to success.

"Personal attitude determines the extent of one’s success or failure."

To apply his knowledge through years of healthcare research and personal experience, Harrison has actualized a personal goal by authoring a book on eczema elimination.  He believes that together, the world can eliminate global eczema.  It is noteworthy that his book and website have reached 0.8 million people worldwide.  This tally continues to rise as he expands his reach through public speaking.  “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right” is his life motto, as quoted from Henry Ford. Personal attitude determines the extent of one’s success or failure.

Harrison Li is not only a thinker with a plan, but also a doer.

Written by:
Teresa Chung
Year 2, Faculty of Social Sciences
January 2019

Influencing Others One Speech at a Time