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A Toy Story from HKU Students: Embracing Experiences, Reflecting Perspectives, and Contributing to Society

A Toy Story from HKU Students: Embracing Experiences, Reflecting Perspectives, and Contributing to Society

Gosamkee Loris, Wong Kin Ning and Chan Lik On’s story
Faculty of Arts & Education, Faculty of Education, HKU Business School & Faculty of Law
BA&BEd(LangEd)-Eng, BEd(ECE&SE), BBA(Law)&LLB

In many ways, a semester break is easy to spend, whether it be interning or travelling. For a group of education enthusiasts at HKU, the call to serve is louder than the other pragmatic options. Venturing into the "TOYtopia Adventure" Philippines Service & Cultural Tour hosted by University YMCA® (HKU) of Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong from early to mid-January this year, they embarked on a volunteering journey full of cultural surprises and educational insights. Among them are Gosamkee Loris and Wong Kin Ning, Aimee, both from the Faculty of Education seasoned in pedagogies, as well as Chan Lik On, Andrew who is from the Faculty of Law exploring teaching.

One major project the trio contributed to was establishing the Toy Library. This initiative involved categorizing a diverse collection of toys in Hong Kong, ranging from stuffed toys to creative art kits, and carrying them all the way to the elementary school in a grassroots community in Makati, Philippines. Through their efforts, a once plain classroom space was transformed into a lively play corner, completed with toy shelving and hand-painted wall drawings. They greatly enhanced the learning and play resources, ultimately benefiting over a hundred students at the school.

A group photo capturing Loris, Aimee, Andrew, and fellow Uni-Y ®(HKU)  members, celebrating their accomplishment in the Toy Library project.

During their interactive play and storytelling sessions with students there, they delved into the childlike wonders, savouring the simplicity and raw creativity inherent in play; they removed the pre-conceived gender stereotypes linked to kids’ preferences for different types of toys; they gained a deeper perception of cultural sensitivities, becoming more aware of South-Asia language applications and ethnic diversity among children. After this “TOYtopia Adventure”, three of them shared that the essence of their educational service trip is to be open about opportunities, be reflective about changes, and be proactive about contributions.


Loris was engaging with the local Pilipino students with her own created set of “Class Rules”.

Andrew received a warm welcoming hug from the President of the University of Makati.


Aimee (wearing plain white T-shirt in the middle) enjoyed very much the time with her host family in the Philippines.­­

Reflecting on their journey, Andrew was deeply inspired by a quote during his tour, “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”. This sentiment resonates with the team as they recount the people they smiled together, the toys they played together, and the impacts they have made fueling for growth together.

Written by:
Jonathan Ngai
Year 4, Faculty of Social Sciences
February 2024

A Toy Story from HKU Students: Embracing Experiences, Reflecting Perspectives, and Contributing to Society