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Inspirational Trip to Denmark

Inspirational Trip to Denmark

Suen Wai Chi’s Story
Faculty of Social Sciences

In July, Kimmy Suen Wai Chi, a fourth year student from the Faculty of Social Sciences, serving as the immediate past Internal Vice-President of the University YMCA (HKU) Student Executive Committee, travelled to Denmark to participate in the 20th YMCA World Council. The theme of the quadrennial programme was “Ignite”, aiming to connect with young people and foster vision as well as collaboration. This was also the largest and most inclusive World Council, registering more than 2,100 attendees from different countries around the globe. 
Photo of Kimmy
Kimmy joined the 20th YMCA World Council.

In the programme, Kimmy travelled to Germany and joined different service works, such as joining in an insightful sharing from an Ukrainian refugee on the Ukraine war, visiting the refugee campsite etc. She noted that the programme helped her develop a sense of responsibility to the society. “The services and visits engaged me in understanding the obstacles faced by different people around the world,” she said with enthusiasm and faith. “As a global citizen, we should always be interested in current affairs. This experience has reinforced my identity and it truly gave me a sense of mission to contribute to the global society,” Kimmy noted. 

“The services and visits engaged me in understanding the obstacles faced by different people around the world.”

This exhilarating trip also inspired Kimmy to chase her own dream. “In Hong Kong, many people have the perception that being professionals is the only indicator of success,” Kimmy explained. “However, after interacting with different foreigners and listening to their sharing, I truly believe that we should follow our own heart and pursue our aspirations!” Kimmy expressed. “Why don’t we cherish the time we have and do things that we are passionate about?”

Photo of Kimmy
“I truly believe that we should follow our own heart and pursue our aspirations!”

As a concluding remark, Kimmy expressed her gratitude for the precious opportunity. “It has inspired me to become a better person and I really enjoyed a lot!”
Written by: 
Ivan Cheung
Year 3, Faculty of Arts
September 2022

Inspirational Trip to Denmark