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Road to Becoming a Future Leader

Road to Becoming a Future Leader

Lee Chiang’s Story
Faculty of Engineering

In the previous semester, Johnny Lee, a second year student majoring in mechanical engineering, took part in The Way to Success (TWTS) Workshops and Mentorship Programme organised by CEDARS.

Opening to students from any discipline, the TWTS Programme emphasises on building students’ leadership skills. Every week, speakers and guests are invited to share ways to build successful leadership, as well as any values needed to develop appropriate leadership skills.

The programme involves guest lectures, workshops and mentor group discussion. “We discussed topics the guests delivered, for which there were no limitations and we could express everything we wanted.”

“The mentors are either HKU alumni or professionals outside HKU such as those with business or accounting backgrounds, which are diverse and helpful,” Johnny shared.

Photo of Jonny
“The mentors are either HKU alumni or professionals outside HKU such as those with business or accounting backgrounds, which are diverse and helpful,”

Unfortunately, that the seminars were delivered online had been a challenge to Johnny. “It was sometimes pretty hard to concentrate. Sitting in front of the laptop, it was difficult to interact with the others”. 

Nevertheless, the positivity of Johnny had helped him overcome the difficulties of staying online. “Knowing that staying online is for everyone’s safety, I changed my way of thinking and tried to do my best in participating in the online seminar.”

Indeed, the positive mindset and active participation of Johnny had helped him acquire the necessary skills to become a future leader. When asked what kind of future leader he wished to become, Johnny admitted that “possibly I would be a project leader, and it does not have to stick with the field of engineering.”

Photo of Jonny
“A successful leader should welcome everyone to give their comments and respond to them carefully, and be a good listener.”  

Regardless of the types of leader one wishes to become, learning to collaborate with each other and staying optimistic are always important in our life journey, substantially paving the way to becoming a successful leader!

Written by:
Leung Lok Yan 
Year 3, Faculty of Arts
September 2022

Road to Becoming a Future Leader