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Walk an “Unscripted” Path

Walk an “Unscripted” Path

Li Wang Tin Justin’s Story
CEDARS Service Awardee of 25th Recognition Ceremony – Silver Award
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

“I feel great when I can entertain my audience as an emcee, getting them laugh and creating a memorable night,” said Justin, an experienced CEDARS emcee from an MBBS background. “When I was in my third year, I was asked to find something to enrich my year but there were not many jobs available. That was the time when I received an unexpected email from CEDARS recruiting for event emcees. At that moment, I have then decided to apply for the role,” Justin recalled.

“I feel great when I can entertain my audience as an emcee, getting them laugh and creating a memorable night.”

Since his first emcee experience at the GE Enrolment Gig event, Justin has always wanted to be an unscripted and authentic emcee, who is different from the conventional scripted ones that plainly read their speech out loud in front of the audience. He prioritizes the importance of audience engagement in every event he leads, striving to create an enjoyable and lively atmosphere for both himself and his audience. Working his best in every session, Justin can still vividly recount the ups and downs in his emcee journey ranging from once losing his audience attention in a less interactive academic sharing session to the excitement he experienced in his first on-stage event. However, day after day, he becomes growingly skilful in his role and grasps plentiful useful “tricks” in attention-drawing, holding more and more memorable nights.
Justin (on the right) being the emcee of the Lead for Life Student Orientation Launch

Amidst the rampant outbreak of COVID-19 lately, Justin said “despite the abrupt transition to the online mode, I find one of my best emcee experiences in a Zoom Quiz Show that I held.” In spite of the “virtual wall” between Justin and the participants, he moderated a fruitful and interactive quiz game on Hong Kong culture with the non-local participants, to keep the audience on their toes with jokes.
Justin (on the left) moderating CEDARS Peer Connect and High Table: Goal Setting Exercise

When asked about future plans, Justin, similar to his emcee style, is a rather “unscripted person” who believes that his university life should not be confined in medical studies only. He aspires to utilize his passion in coaching and outgoing personalities to hold various sessions to promote his spiritual life with God, spreading his “food for thought” across the campus. 

Written by:
Carmen Ng
Year 4, Faculty of Social Sciences
April 2022

Walk an “Unscripted” Path