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Building the Foundation for a Future Career

Building the Foundation for a Future Career

Back Jong Hyun's Story
Faculty of Social Sciences

In the summer of 2019, I joined the Social Innovation Internship through the Faculty of Social Sciences. The core idea of the internship was to give social sciences students opportunities to apply classroom learning to the real-world context. This internship programme made an impact on my values and working attitude.

I was working as a marketing intern in LexisNexis, a multi-national corporation providing legal content and services. Since the target clients of the company were mainly law firms, government offices and research institutes, Business to Business (B2B) marketing was the key strategy of the marketing team. By organising the database for customer relationship management, analysing subscription data for core products and supporting corporate events, I learned more about B2B marketing. 

Photo of Back Jong Hyun
“I realised that communication is a two-way process for reaching mutual understanding.”

Apart from skill development, there were moments in which I was able to make personal growth.  I become more confident, more proactive, and no longer afraid of reaching out for help. As a non-local staff, I occasionally experienced language barriers in the workplace. I reached out to colleagues whom I did not feel comfortable talking to at the beginning. I realised that communication is a two-way process for reaching mutual understanding through verbal and non-verbal and written messages.  Understanding the personalities and communication styles of colleagues could take me to new levels of relationship building and overall workforce efficiency.

Written by 
Back Jong Hyun 
Year 3, Faculty of Social Sciences
September 2020

Building the Foundation for a Future Career