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Tutoring in a Kindergarten

Tutoring in a Kindergarten

Lo Wing Lam's Story
Faculty of Arts

Winnie Lo participated in the Global Y Trainee Programme and stayed in Korea for one month last summer for an overseas internship in Seoul YMCA, working as a full-time summer programme tutor and organising summer camps for children. 

Winnie mostly worked in Seocho YMCA’s kid’s sports club, which is a sports-oriented kindergarten. Students are required to take part in a vast array of different sports lessons, including swimming, in-line skating and gymnastics. In addition to helping students put on safety equipment, she also acted as the mediator to maintain class order when quarrels took place between students. For language classes, she helped students keep up with the course, as the children had varying abilities. Korean lessons were her favourite as she could learn more new Korean vocabularies from teachers and students. Lessons aside, she also had to assist teachers to distribute food and squeeze toothpaste. She also enjoyed the experience of playing with kids, especially when they invited her to stay in their “houses” made with toy blocks. 

Along with tutoring kids, Winnie was also responsible for two projects during her stay in South Korea. They are the International Day Camp, aiming to give local Korean kids more chances to learn foreign languages, and the Kids World Cup, a series of football tournaments held among YMCAs from China, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan. During these activities, Winnie learnt how to be patient with youngsters and honed her language skills through working as a translator in the Kids World Cup event. 

Photo of Winnie with children“It was important to embrace cultural differences with an open-minded attitude.”

Winnie was overall grateful to have understanding and helpful locals as her colleagues. She also learnt that it was important to embrace cultural differences with an open-minded attitude. She wholeheartedly believes that this fruitful internship experience equipped her with greater confidence to encounter upcoming challenges and missions. 

Written by:
Myra Tang
Year 1, Faculty of Architecture
November 2020

Tutoring in a Kindergarten