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「香港美」故事及相片募集 "Beauty of Hong Kong" stories and photos collection

「香港美」故事及相片募集 "Beauty of Hong Kong" stories and photos collection

15 April, 2020 to 1 May, 2020
00:00 - 23:55

內容: 回憶中一個讓您覺得「香港很美」的地方 
形式: 1. 您的「香港故事」及一張菲林/即影即有相片 2. 您的「香港故事」 
截止日期: 2020/05/01 

欲了解詳情或參與此活動,請點擊此連結: https://bit.ly/3dIKuUh

Content: A location in Hong Kong stirred your emotion with its beauty in your memory 
Entry Option 1: Your "story about Hong Kong" and a film / instant photo  
Option 2: Your "story about Hong Kong"
Deadline: 2020/05/01  

Please visit this link 
for more details: https://bit.ly/3dIKuUh
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