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Event Detail

Global News Chat – COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

Global News Chat – COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis

General Education Team
Zoom Meeting
23 April, 2020
16:30 - 18:00

We are in the middle of a global pandemic. We are also in the middle of the climate crisis, with mass coral reefs bleaching, the Australian Bushfires and the locusts in East Africa. How has COVID-19 exposed the same systemic inequalities which also underpin the climate crisis? More importantly, what are we learning from how the world is responding to COVID-19 so that we can combat the climate crisis at the same time? As author Naomi Klein recently said in a speech, “We cannot go ‘back to normal’. Because ‘normal’ is a crisis.” 

Student Hosts: 
Ng Yan Ping Sammie from Singapore (BA(UrbanStud Year 3) 
Ella Cornelia Forsberg from Norway (BA(ArchStud) Year 3) 

Date: 23/4/2020 (Thu)
Time: 16:30 – 18:00 (HK Time)
Venue: To be held virtually via Zoom 
Language: English 

Registration: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=69552  
The URL of the Zoom meeting will be sent to the registrants prior to the event.
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Event Detail