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Event Detail

HKU Virtual Career Fair 2020

HKU Virtual Career Fair 2020

Careers and Placement Section
30 March, 2020 to 1 April, 2020
11:00 - 17:00

To: All HKU students and fresh graduates,


HKU Virtual Career Fair 2020, the first online job fair at HKU, will be held on 30 March - 1 April. The event, in additional to the usual recruitment channels, act as a platform to bring potential employers and students together and to enhance students’ career opportunities in various industries.



Virtual Career Fair 2020


30 March - 1 April 2020 (Monday - Wednesday)

Time for Live Chat

11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Target Students

All students and fresh graduates

Job Vacancies

Full-time Graduate Positions

Part-time Positions

Summer and Other Internships


Interactive Booth Exhibition

Public and Private Chat with Employers

Online Application


CV Consulation


Over 90 companies / organizations across wide range of industries will be participated at the 3-day career event, offering over 1,500 graduate and internship vacancies. You can obtain company and job information, interact with the employers and submit applications instantly at your fingertips.

List of Exhibitors: https://intraweb.hku.hk/local/careers/news/1920/032005.pdf 



Interested students please register at http://www.cedars.hku.hk/careerfair and start creating your profile. Registration is required for visiting the Fair and submitting applications online.


Look forward to meeting you at the event!

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Event Detail