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Event Detail

Eat To-Gather 2019-2020 (Registration starts on 16 Dec, 2019 and ends on 12 Jan, 2020)

Campus Life Section
Home visits and places as arranged by local host families
12 January, 2020
00:00 - 00:00

Language: English
Description: Eating together as a family is highly valued in the Chinese culture, as it is one of the best opportunities to connect with one another. In this programme, non-local students / pals will be accompanied by local foodmates to enjoy a homey meal in a local home to have an authentic taste of family life in Hong Kong. They may also be invited to join other family gatherings organised by the host; and activities organised by CEDARS and local foodmates. Beyond the dining table, this programme provides a backdrop for cultural learning and integration. Both local and non-local students can engage in cultural exchange by exploring the social and cultural dimensions of food in family meals and gatherings.
To register, please visit http://cedars.hku.hk/eat-to-gather. For enquiries, please email to eat-to-gather@cedars.hku.hk.
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Event Detail