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Event Detail

CEDARS Peer Connect and High Table

Dean of Student Affairs
31 August, 2019
09:30 - 18:00

Language: English
Description: CEDARS Peer Connect and High Table is a flagship programme held in the last week of August to connect first-year undergraduates from different faculties and countries of origin. Under the guidance of Student Induction Instructors (SIIs), new students in small groups will set ambitious yet realistic personal goals and explore the ideal of a university. You will also engage in intellectual dialogue with distinguished alumni and staff members, and act to make a real impact as Digital Humanitarians in a Mapathon to map the most vulnerable places in the developing world, aiding locals and international NGOs’ medical humanitarian relief works. The High Table is the pinnacle and concluding event to induce a sense of pride and identity with the University. Upon completion of CEDARS Peer Connect and High Table, you will be entitled to redeem a Green Gown, one of the most wanted HKU collectables that is available nowhere else!
This is a two-day event (31/8 & 1/9). Programme fee is HK$120. To register, please visit cedars.hku.hk/fye/peer-connect-and-high-table. For enquiry, please email to induction@cedars.hku.hk.
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Event Detail