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Enrolment: General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2018 – 2019

Enrolment: General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2018 – 2019

General Education Team
K. K. Leung Concourse
17 January, 2019
10:00 - 17:00

Laugh Out Loud or Lots of Love;or both? 
Is love the ultimate panacea to our daily problems?

2019 is a big year of many momentous commemorations: the May Fourth Movement (1919); the Establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC); Woodstock (Summer of Love) and the Stonewall Incident (1969); the Tiananmen Incident, the Collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Eastern European Bloc (1989); Pre-Millennium Bug Anxiety Syndrome (1999)... Most, if not all, of these can foster in us thoughts and wisdom about how we can face the future challenges. And one of the qualities that makes us stronger is love. Let us discover, or re-discover, the meaning of various forms of love and brace ourselves for another thrilling year ahead.

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