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Event Detail

YDC E-Challenge 2012 Workshop

YDC E-Challenge 2012 Workshop

Student Development Team
31 March, 2012
00:00 - 00:00

Dear Students,

"Want to know how to make use of innovation and technology to generate business opportunities?"

"Want to apply knowledge learnt to enrich daily life?"

Come to the YDC E-Challenge Speaker Workshop and listen to the successful entrepreneurs!

Successful business executives of start-up business will share how to make use of innovation and technology to generate business ideas, and apply it to enrich daily life.


Event Details:

Topic:                "Business Plans that sell"
Date:                  31 Mar 2012 (Saturday)
Time:                 11:00am - 1:00pm
Venue:               Room ST111, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Speakers:           Mr. Paul Chu, Founder of RedWolf Airsoft Specialist Ltd.
                           Mr. King Leung, Managing Director of Datatrade Ltd. 

For more information please visit the YDC website: https://www.yechallenge.com/seminar_workshop.aspx

Thank you.

Ada Leung
Student Advisor (Student Development)
Centre of Development and Resources for Students 

Event Detail