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Event Detail

HKU Startup Job Fair 2016

HKU Startup Job Fair 2016

Careers and Placement Section
Loke Yew Hall
5 February, 2016
12:00 - 16:00

1st HKU Startup Job Fair 2016 [5 Feb, 12:00-16:00, Loke Yew Hall]

HKU Startup Job Fair aims to connect talented HKU students with new and innovative startups in the region. Come to the Fair as it’s your chance to:

l   Find full-time, internship and part-time positions (100+ openings);

l   Discover and interact with startups that typically rely on personal connections for hiring;

l   Explore the challenges and excitement of working in a close-knit startup environment.

Target to all independent and entrepreneurial students and graduates. Mark you diary!

For more details, please click here. For enquiries, please email to CEDARS-HOUSE@cedars.hku.hk.

We're looking forward to meeting you.


HOUSE (Hub of University Student Entrepreneurs)

Careers & Placement, CEDARS



HOUSE (Hub of University Student Entrepreneurs) is a hub for students to develop individual entrepreneurial experiences through accessing entrepreneurial resources, networking and sharing ideas. It aims to promote entrepreneurship among students and the HKU community, and unleash students’ entrepreneurial potential for driving a successful career.
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Event Detail