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Job Secret Decoder on 12 Apr: From Slasher to Social Services - How to leverage past experience for career move?

Careers and Placement Section
12 April, 2024
18:00 - 19:00

Job Secret Decoder on 12 Apr: From Slasher to Social Services - 

How to leverage past experience for career move? 

Getting more popular in recent years, slasher refers to people who take on multiple careers instead of sticking to one single position. Do you wonder what are the benefits of being a slasher? How could you leverage your degree and experience for career growth? Do you want to get insight into the mental health and counselling industry

If you are puzzled by any of these questions, join the coming Job Secret Decoder sharing session with Hody Lee (BSc 2019; MSocSc 2021) on 12 April 2024. Hody is a passionate individual with a diverse range of interests and academic accomplishments. With a background in psychology and social work, she is deeply fascinated by the human mind and behavior, constantly seeking to understand and help others. As a slasher to build up her skills before, she is now working as Mental Health Education Officer in New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association.

From Slasher to Social Services - How to leverage past experience for career move?

Job Secret Decoder is a series of regular sharing sessions by young HKU alumni or industry experts to provide
first-hand information and practical tips on how to start your career in a specific field. No matter what your
background is, join us to hear from Hody:

• My career journey after graduation: starting from slasher

• The working culture, dynamics and case sharing in the mental health and counselling industry

• What makes you a good fit to work for mental health

Career prospect and development


Date: 12 April 2024 (Friday)

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Format: via Zoom

Language: English

Registration Method

Get the Zoom link by filling in the Registration Form.

For enquiries, please email to GraduAction@cedars.hku.hk.

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