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Event Detail

[Public Lecture] Leading with character: Why character matters and how to develop it

Dean's Office
Rayson Huang Theatre
5 October, 2023
19:00 - 20:30


Leading with character: Why character matters and how to develop it


by Dr. Edward Brooks, University of Oxford


Date: 5 October 2023 (Thursday)

Time: 19:00-20:30 (Registration begins at 18:30)

Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU



Free admission. All are welcome. Registration is required at https://www.faith.hku.hk/lead_with_character.



Have you ever wondered why some leaders excel while others struggle, even with similar levels of competence? Effective leadership requires both competence and character, but character is often overlooked due to its abstract nature. This lecture, based on a decade of research at the Oxford Character Project, will explore why character is essential for a flourishing life and successful leadership, and provide practical strategies for its development. There will be an extended time for Questions, Answers and Comments. Join us for a stimulating evening of why character is so important in today's leaders.

Speaker bio:

Dr Edward Brooks is Executive Director of the Oxford Character Project and Director of the Programme for Global Leadership at the University of Oxford. With a background in modern history and moral philosophy, Brooks’ research spans leadership studies, virtue ethics and character development. He has led research projects on character and leadership development in higher education; character, culture and leadership in business; and character-based leadership globally. He is co-founder of the Oxford SDG Impact Lab, the Global Leadership Challenge, and the Oxford Global Leadership Initiative. He was recognised by Thinkers50 in 2023 on their radar list of business influencers.


(This event is organised by CEDARS together with Faith & Global Engagement and the McDonald Faith and Global Engagement Distinguished Lecture Series.)

Event Detail