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Fire Up your Career Engine (FUCE) – Conflict Management in the Workplace

Fire Up your Career Engine (FUCE) – Conflict Management in the Workplace

Careers and Placement Section
30 June, 2023
14:00 - 15:30

In a work environment, it is not only about performing your job duties but also how to collaborate with your colleagues and supervisors smoothly. What are the things you should be aware of when conflicts arise and how to handle them? Join the upcoming FUCE workshop – Conflict Management in the Workplace to learn to manage conflicts at work.

Fire Up your Career Engine (FUCE) is a series of career seminars and workshops tailor-made for graduating students by CEDARS-Careers and Placement. The seminars and workshops will be delivered by experienced trainers and industry professionals to increase your confidence and competitiveness in job searching and interviews, and prepare you to survive and succeed in the workplace.

Target: 2023 fresh graduates & students graduating in 2024; other students are welcome to join

Workshop Details

Through this workshop, you will:

· Understand why conflicts arise in a work environment

· Master the skills of handling conflicts under different circumstances and learn to apply a systematic approach in conflict settlement

Date:                     30 June 2023 (Friday)

Time:                    2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Format:                To be held virtually via Zoom

Language:           English


Quota is limited, please register at the [Summer Series 2023] FUCE Registration Form.
Details will be provided to successful registrants via a confirmation email.

For enquiries, please email to GraduAction@cedars.hku.hk.

About GraduAction

GraduAction is a one-stop hub of career services and resources tailored for graduating students and new graduates to help you prepare and start your career. Please visit the GraduAction website.


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