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Opens for Application - Government Financial Assistance Schemes 2023-24 (current students)

Campus Life Section
20 April, 2023 to 12 May, 2023
00:00 - 23:59

Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) &
Non-means-tested Loan Scheme - Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)


A. Eligibility
These schemes are for local HK students. For details on eligibility, please check the Student Finance Office (SFO) website https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/en/sfo/postsecondary/tsfs/eligibility.php

B. Supporting documents
A checklist of the required documents can be viewed at http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/pdf/common/Form/tsfs/RM_Eng.pdf

C. Common Mistakes in Completing TSFS / FASP Application Forms

D. Online application
Students are requested to submit online application at https://ess.wfsfaa.gov.hk

Applicants should submit the signed declaration and supporting documents through the following channels within 7 days from submission of online application:
- Through online upload (40MB, i.e.  about 100 pages)
- By post or in person to SFO
- Through SFO drop box in CEDARS (3/F Meng Wah Complex) and Pokfulam Amenities Centre (2/F Pauline Chan Building) till 31 May 2023

E. Application deadline
TSFS/NLSFT: 12 May 2023

F. Points to Note
1. You are advised to submit your form by the deadline to ensure early disbursement of awards. Applications received after the deadline will only be accepted with good justification.
2. Any supporting documents that are not available at the time of application should be stated clearly in the application form, and the said documents should be submitted to SFO once available. You have to take the initiative to provide them once available. Otherwise, this could be treated as omission which may lead to rejection of your application.
3. For students reading a self-financing 2nd degree of a double degree programme offered by HKU, they can apply for the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) or Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS). Online Application will be open from 8 May 2023 at https://ess.wfsfaa.gov.hk

Please refer to the "Notes for Application for Government Grants/Loans for Current Students" for more information: <http://cedars.hku.hk/finance/govt.html>.

You are welcome to come to CEDARS for form filling advisory service or contact us at 3917 2305 for further information.

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