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Event Detail

Postgrad Book Club (Online)

Campus Life Section
Zoom (RSVP link below)
2 November, 2020
19:00 - 21:00

Language: English
Description: We are going to read an influential book "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl chronicling his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Frankl came to believe man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose after his tremendous suffering in the camp. This outstanding work offers us all a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living. We will meet on October 5, November 2 and December 7! *All HKU students - Christian and non-Christian, are welcome to all our events! Please RSVP here: https://www.hkuicf.com/upcoming-events . Follow us on Instagram @hkuicf for the latest events. Don’t be shy to drop us a message to say hello, we’re so excited to meet you!
This is a student initiated activity organised by International Christian Fellowship (ICF), please contact ICF through their our social media platforms.
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Event Detail