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Event Detail

Getting Real with Us: an Inclusive Online Orientation

Campus Life Section
Zoom (please register at https://tinyurl.com/hkuusorientation2020.)
17 September, 2020
21:00 - 22:30

Language: English
Description: The HKU HeForSheForUs Student Society (HKU Us) is welcoming all HKUers who are old, new, borrowed/on exchange and of all colors! We welcome everyone of all identities to join us - whether you are hoping to learn more about HKU, looking for new friends and like-minded individuals, or simply too bored with staying at home, you will fit right in in our virtual chat and community. Register at: https://tinyurl.com/hkuusorientation2020 Join us online for a heart-to-heart, real conversation about our HKU experience and learn more about inclusivity on campus. Whether you are a local student or an international student, we have all had our experience with diversity and inclusivity on campus and each experience is individual and worth sharing. HKU Us is an intersectional feminist student-led group that aims to raise awareness for and initiate advocacy work for gender equality and other gender-related issues on campus, and a commitment to diversity and inclusivity is essential to making this possible! Keep an eye out for our social media platforms, because we have a lot of events planned for the academic year! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKUHeForSheForUs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hkuheforsheforus/ If you’re interested in joining HKU Us as a member, event management committee or as a leader, leave your contact with us at https://tinyurl.com/hkuus202021
It is a student initiated event. For enquiries, please contact HeForSheForUs Student Society through Kengie Tang, Managing Director, at kengietang@hku.hk.
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Event Detail