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F:A:C:E: Choice & Sharing Sessions 藝文「傾」- Film

F:A:C:E: Choice & Sharing Sessions 藝文「傾」- Film

General Education Team
Conducted via online platform
21 September, 2020
16:30 - 18:00

F:A:C:E: Choice不定期為學生介紹文化藝術節目。為擴闊學生對文化藝術的視野,GE Team為港大全日制學生提供門票資助欣賞不同類型的表演藝術或電影。

F:A:C:E: Choice provides recommended arts and cultural programmes to students throughout the year. To widen students’ horizons in arts and culture, ticket subsidy will be offered to full-time HKU students to enable appreciation of different art forms of performances or films.
A maximum sum of HK$150 will be provided on a reimbursement basis. Students may freely choose a programme from the recommended list and register for one of the sharing sessions. For programmes not on the list, please email to gened@hku.hk at least one week before the show date and obtain prior approval before purchasing any ticket.
Each HKU full-time student may apply for the ticket subsidy once in each semester. Participation in the sharing session and original copies of receipts are required for reimbursement. GE reserves the right of final decision on the reimbursement.
Quota: 15 per session
Student Host:
▍Session 1 - Film (Cantonese): Anney Fung (BSc(Sp&HearSc) Year 5)

► Recommended Arts and Cultural Programmes:
Details of the host's selected choices will be announced later.

*Online Enrolment starts on 9/9 (Wed) 10:00

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