Multi-day events
Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section
Person Enrichment Workshops Registration Day
10:00 - 17:45
Room 301-323, 3/F, Main Building
Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section
Person Enrichment Workshops Registration Day
09:00 - 17:45
Room 301-323, 3/F, Main Building
Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section
How to Say What to Whom? (English)
14:47 - 14:47
Room 302, 3/F, Main Building
Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section
(Round 1) Mini Cupping 咖啡品評班 (Cantonese)
18:30 - 20:30
cafe330 (2/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre)
Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section
(Round 1) The Brew Journey 各國咖啡器具沖調班 (Cantonese)
18:30 - 20:30
cafe330 (2/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre)
Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section
(Round 1) Latte Art 咖啡創意拉花班 (Cantonese)
18:30 - 20:30
cafe330 (2/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre)
Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section
FIFE Fund 2018-19 Round I Online Application Open
Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section
HEaRT@cafe330 Barista Trainee Team
18:30 - 15:30
cafe330 (2/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre)