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June 2019

Multi-day events Multi-day events


Campus Life Section

Training for Student Orientation and Event Organizers 2019

13:45 - 17:30

Room 302, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre

30/11 (Mon) 4/10 (Fri)

Student Development Team

This icon tell you this event is a deadline alertDeadline of Yang Tuck Ming & Wong Fung Ying Service Learning Fund

28/05 (Tue) 14/06 (Fri)

Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section

Leadership and Life Skills (LLS) Training Programme 2019 Part II

16:55 - 16:55

28/05 (Tue) 14/06 (Fri)

Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section

ership and Life Skills (LLS) Training Programme 2019

16:55 - 16:55

6/06 (Thu) 12/06 (Wed)

Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section

lated Society (SIMSOC) of Leadership and Life Skills (LLS) Training Programme 2019

10:00 - 17:00

CEDARS-CoPE office, 3/F, Main Building

15/06 (Sat) 16/06 (Sun)


Legends of Three Kingdoms Competition

09:00 - 23:00

Room 302

Event Calendar